22 September 2021 · By Carly Hibbins

5 ways to wear your Dr. Harris Anti-Wrinkle Sleep Mask

We love the Dr. Harris mask for its fabulous results. Feel 67% more relaxed with less visible wrinkles in just 15 minutes without any pain? Incredible. We love that it’s created by THE leading London injectable aesthetics doctor - Dr. Steve Harris MB BCh MSc MBCAM - with more suffixes than a tenured professor. But most of all, we love that the Dr. Harris Anti-Wrinkle Sleep Mask is easy to use anywhere. Here are 5 convenient ways to wear your Dr. Harris Mask.

In bed

The most initiative place to wear your mask, the Dr. Harris Anti-Wrinkle Sleep Mask is perfect for use in bed where you don’t need your eyes and feel restful already. By using pressure point activation, the mask releases tension and muscle contractions in your forehead and brows for noticeably fewer wrinkles in just 15 minutes. Simply strap it on and lay back for a quiet treatment or wear it overnight for extreme anti-ageing results.

During yoga

At the end of your yoga session, the Dr. Harris Anti-Wrinkle Sleep Mask can help you achieve more supreme relation in your Savasana pose. Yoga Journal explains, “Savasana is a practice of gradually relaxing one body part at a time, one muscle at a time, and one thought at a time.” Layering on an additional tension-releasing device like the Dr. Harris mask can help you more easily focus on achieving this pose.

In the car after the school run

Many parents would argue that the school run is the most stressful part of their day. The jostling, the traffic, the commotion; it’s just not great. But the Dr. Harris Anti-Wrinkle Sleep Mask can give you some serenity back. Just pull over into a layby and apply the mask to your pressure points for 15 minutes to feel instantly more relaxed.

That’s good because it’s dangerous to drive when you’re stressed. Hogan Injury firm states, “Even the way the driver accelerates or slows down is affected by stress. This is dangerous especially when merging into traffic or making turns. Not only does stress affect our attention span while driving, it also shortens our fuse.”

While travelling

There’s not much else to do on a flight than watch films or eat overpriced food. But what if you could be reversing the signs of ageing? Take your Dr. Harris Anti-Wrinkle Sleep Mask with you on your next red-eye to relax, rejuvenate, depuff and de-wrinkle all while 30,000 feet up.

Lounging after work

Even though we may not be putting in long hours at the office right now, those Zoom meetings and Skype calls add up. With the Dr. Harris Anti-Wrinkle Sleep Mask, tap into your emotional centre. It’s known to promote emotional relaxation by 67%, so while you wear it the stress of the day is melting away. That’s perfect for people who find it hard to switch off. By participating in a daily 15-minute ritual with your mask, you’re providing yourself with a little reminder to leave work at your desk.

Carly Hibbins Beauty Writer

Empowered by sustainability, body-positivity and integrity, Carly has written inspiring educational content for many businesses, such as Cult Beauty, CurrentBody, Lumi Bridal and Selfridges. Her work consists of writing words that do good, for do-good brands. Carly is a freelance copywriter with a fondness for yoga, hiking, wildlife documentaries and reading a good book.

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